Many program parameters can be set in the config file, found by default at
This file has three sections with the following defaults:
max_jobs (int): sets the maximum number of running jobs before
submission will pause and wait for the queue to empty
sleep_len (int): sets the amount of time the program will wait between
submission attempts
queue_update (int): sets the amount of time between refreshes of the queue.
res_time (int): Time in seconds to wait if a job is in an uncertain
state, usually preempted or suspended. These jobs often
resolve into running or completed again after some time
so it makes sense to wait a bit, but not forever. The
default is 45 minutes: 2700 seconds.
queue_type (str): the type of queue to use, one of 'torque', 'slurm',
'local', 'auto'. Default is auto to auto-detect the
clean_files (bool): means that by default files will be deleted when job
clean_outputs (bool): is the same but for output files (they are saved
file_block_time (int): Max amount of time to block after job completes in
the queue while waiting for output files to appear.
Some queues can take a long time to copy files under
load, so it is worth setting this high, it won't
block unless the files do not appear.
filepath (str): Path to write all temp and output files by default,
must be globally cluster accessible. Note: this is
*not* the runtime path, just where files are written
suffix (str): The suffix to use when writing scripts and output
auto_submit (bool): If wait() or get() are called prior to submission,
auto-submit the job. Otherwise throws an error and
returns None
generic_python (bool): Use /usr/bin/env python instead of the current
executable, not advised, but sometimes necessary.
profile_file (str): the config file where profiles are defined.
Sets options for the local queue system, will be removed in the future in
favor of database.
jobno (int): The current job number for the local queue, auto-increments
with every submission.
Example file:
res_time = 2700
queue_type = auto
sleep_len = 1
queue_update = 2
max_jobs = 1000
bool = True
suffix = cluster
file_block_time = 12
filepath = None
clean_outputs = False
auto_submit = True
profile_file = /Users/dacre/.fyrd/profiles.txt
clean_files = True
generic_python = False
jobno = 9
The config is managed by fyrd/ and enforces a minimum set of entries. If the config does not exist or any entries are missing, they will be created on the fly using the defaults defined in the defaults.