Source code for fyrd.options

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Available options for job submission.

All keyword arguments that can be used with Job() objects are defined in this
file. These can be edited by the end user to increase functionality.

Options are defined in dictionaries with the syntax:
    'name': {'slurm': The command to be used for slurm
             'torque': The command to be used for torque
             'default': The default to use if not set
             'type': The python object type for the option
             'help': A string with help information}

All of these fields are required except in the case that:
    1. The option is managed in options_to_string explicitly
    2. The option is in NORMAL, TORQUE, or SLURM dictionaries, in which case
       flags used by other queue systems can be skipped.
import os  as _os
import re  as _re
import sys as _sys
from textwrap import wrap as _wrap
from itertools import groupby as _groupby
from collections import OrderedDict as _OD

from six import reraise as _raise
from tabulate import tabulate as _tabulate

from . import run
from . import logme
from . import ClusterError

__all__ = ['option_help']

#                       Possible Job Submission Options                       #

# Defined by dictionaries:
#      type: python type to convert option into
#     slurm: the string to format args into for slurm
#    torque: the string to format args into for torque
# [s|t]join: used to join list types for slurm or torque
#      help: Info for the user on the option

# Options available in all modes
     {'help': 'A job or list of jobs to depend on',
      'default': None, 'type': list}),
     {'help': 'Auto clean script files when fetching outputs',
      'default': None, 'type': bool}),
     {'help': 'Auto clean output files when fetching outputs',
      'default': None, 'type': bool}),
     {'help': 'Number of cores to use for the job',
      'default': 1, 'type': int}),
     {'help': 'Modules to load with the `module load` command',
      'default': None, 'type': list}),
     {'help': 'Imports to be used in function calls (e.g. sys, os)',
      'default': None, 'type': list}),
     {'help': 'Paths to add to _sys.path for submitted functions',
      'default': None, 'type': list}),
     {'help': 'Folder to write cluster script files to, must be accessible ' +
              'to the compute nodes.',
      'default': '.', 'type': str}),
     {'help': 'Folder to write cluster output files to, must be accessible ' +
              'to the compute nodes.',
      'default': '.', 'type': str}),
     {'help': 'The working directory for the job',
      'default': '.', 'type': str,
      'slurm': '--workdir={}', 'torque': '-d {}'}),
     {'help': 'A suffix to append to job files (e.g. job.suffix.qsub)',
      'default': 'cluster', 'type': str}),
     {'help': 'File to write STDOUT to',
      'default': None, 'type': str,
      'slurm': '-o {}', 'torque': '-o {}'}),
     {'help': 'File to write STDERR to',
      'default': None, 'type': str,
      'slurm': '-e {}', 'torque': '-e {}'}),

# Options used in only local runs
     {'help': 'Number of threads to use on the local machine',
      'default': 4, 'type': int}),

# Options used in both torque and slurm
     {'help': 'Number of nodes to request',
      'default': 1, 'type': int}),
     {'help': 'A comma-separated list of node features to require',
      'slurm': '--constraint={}',  # Torque in options_to_string()
      'default': None, 'type': list, 'sjoin': '&'}),
     {'help': 'A quality of service to require',
      'slurm': '--qos={}',  # Torque in options_to_string()
      'default': None, 'type': str}),
     {'help': 'Walltime in HH:MM:SS',
      'default': '12:00:00', 'type': str,
      'slurm': '--time={}', 'torque': '-l walltime={}'}),
    # We explictly set MB in torque
     {'help': 'Memory to use in MB (e.g. 4000)',
      'default': 4000, 'type': (int, str),
      'slurm': '--mem={}', 'torque': '-l mem={}MB'}),
     {'help': 'The partition/queue to run in (e.g. local/batch)',
      'default': None, 'type': str,
      'slurm': '-p {}', 'torque': '-q {}'}),

# Note: There are many more options, as them as need to the following lists,
#       CLUSTER_OPTS should be used for options that work on both systems,
#       the TORQUE and SLURM dictionaries should be used for options that are
#       unique to one.

# Additional options shared between systems
     {'help': 'Account to be charged', 'default': None, 'type': str,
      'slurm': '--account={}', 'torque': '-A {}'}),
     {'help': 'Comma separated list of environmental variables to export',
      'default': None, 'type': str,
      'slurm': '--export={}', 'torque': '-v {}'}),

#                                Torque Options                               #
#  from:  #


#                   SLURM Options                   #
#  from:  #

SLURM  = _OD([
     {'help': 'Start after this much time',
      'slurm': '--begin={}', 'type': str,
      'default': None}),

#                         SYNONYMS                             #
#  These allow alternate keyword arguments for common options  #

    ('depend',         'depends'),
    ('dependency',     'depends'),
    ('dependencies',   'depends'),
    ('stdout',         'outfile'),
    ('stderr',         'errfile'),
    ('queue',          'partition'),
    ('memory',         'mem'),
    ('cpus',           'cores'),
    ('walltime',       'time'),
    ('delete_files',   'clean_files'),
    ('delete_outputs', 'clean_outputs'),
    ('filedir',        'scriptpath'),
    ('filepath',       'scriptpath'),
    ('dir',            'runpath'),
    ('path',           'runpath'),
    ('paths',          'syspaths'),
    ('syspath',        'syspaths'),
    ('scriptdir',      'scriptpath'),
    ('cleanfiles',     'clean_files'),
    ('delfiles',       'clean_files'),
    ('cleanouts',      'clean_outputs'),
    ('delouts',        'clean_outputs'),
    ('deloutputs',     'clean_outputs'),
    ('cleanoutputs',   'clean_outputs'),

#                       DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE!!!                        #

#                     Composites for Checking and Lookup                      #




for kds in [NORMAL]:


# Will be 'name' -> type
for name, info in ALL_KWDS.items():
    ALLOWED_KWDS[name] = info['type'] if 'type' in info else None

#                      Option Handling Custom Exception                       #

class OptionsError(ClusterError):

    """A custom Exception for failures in option parsing."""


#                          Option Handling Functions                          #

[docs]def sanitize_arguments(kwds): """Run check_arguments, but return unmatched keywords as is.""" new_kwds = dict() for opt, arg in kwds.items(): try: o, a = list(check_arguments({opt: arg}).items())[0] new_kwds[o] = a except OptionsError: new_kwds[opt] = arg return new_kwds
[docs]def split_keywords(kwargs): """Split a dictionary of keyword arguments into two dictionaries. The first dictionary will contain valid arguments for fyrd, the second will contain all others. Returns: tuple: (dict, dict) — valid args for fyrd, other args """ if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): raise ValueError('Invalid argument. Should be a dictionary, is {}' .format(type(kwargs))) good = {} bad = {} for key, val in kwargs.items(): try: good.update(check_arguments({key: val})) except OptionsError: bad.update({key: val}) return check_arguments(good), bad
[docs]def check_arguments(kwargs): """Make sure all keywords are allowed. Raises OptionsError on error, returns sanitized dictionary on success. Note: Checks in SYNONYMS if argument is not recognized, raises OptionsError if it is not found there either. """ new_kwds = {} # Make sure types are correct for arg, opt in kwargs.items(): if arg not in ALLOWED_KWDS: if arg in SYNONYMS: arg = SYNONYMS[arg] assert arg in ALLOWED_KWDS else: raise OptionsError('Unrecognized argument {}'.format(arg)) if opt is not None and not isinstance(opt, ALLOWED_KWDS[arg]): newtype = ALLOWED_KWDS[arg] if (newtype is list or newtype is tuple) \ and not isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): opt = run.listify(opt) elif newtype is int and isinstance(opt, str) and opt.isdigit(): opt = int(opt) else: raise TypeError( 'arg "{}" must be {}, is {} ({})'.format( arg, ALLOWED_KWDS[arg], opt, type(opt) ) ) new_kwds[arg] = opt # Parse individual complex options for arg, opt in new_kwds.items(): if arg == 'time': try: if '-' in opt: day, time = opt.split('-') else: day = 0 time = opt time = [int(i) for i in time.split(':')] if len(time) == 3: hours, mins, secs = time elif len(time) == 2: hours = 0 mins, secs = time elif len(time) == 1: hours = mins = 0 secs = time[0] hours = (int(day)*24) + hours if secs > 60: mins += 1 secs = secs%60 if mins > 60: hours += 1 mins = mins%60 opt = '{}:{}:{}'.format(str(hours).rjust(2, '0'), str(mins).rjust(2, '0'), str(secs).rjust(2, '0')) new_kwds[arg] = opt except: raise OptionsError('time must be formatted as D-HH:MM:SS ' + 'or a fragment of that (e.g. MM:SS) ' + 'it is formatted as {}'.format(opt)) # Force memory into an integer of megabytes elif arg == 'mem' and isinstance(opt, str): if opt.isdigit(): opt = int(opt) else: # Try to guess unit by suffix memerror = ('mem is malformatted, should be a number ' 'of MB or a string like 24MB or 10GB, ' 'it is: {}'.format(opt)) groups = _groupby(opt, key=str.isdigit) try: svalk, svalg = next(groups) sval = int(''.join(svalg)) sunitk, sunitg = next(groups) sunit = ''.join(sunitg).lower() except ValueError: err = list(_sys.exc_info()) err[1] = ValueError(memerror) _raise(*err) if len(list(groups)) != 0 or not svalk or sunitk: raise ValueError(memerror) if sunit == 'b': opt = int(float(sval)/float(1024)/float(1024)) elif sunit == 'kb' or sunit == 'k': opt = int(float(sval)/float(1024)) elif sunit == 'mb' or sunit == 'm': opt = sval elif sunit == 'gb' or sunit == 'g': opt = sval*1024 elif sunit == 'tb' or sunit == 't': # Crazy people opt = sval*1024*1024 else: raise ValueError('Unknown memory unit opt {}' .format(sunit)) # Don't allow 0, minimum memory req is 5MB if opt < 5: opt = 5 new_kwds[arg] = opt return new_kwds
[docs]def option_to_string(option, value=None, qtype=None): """Return a string with an appropriate flag for slurm or torque. Args: option: An allowed option definied in options.all_options value: A value for that option if required (if None, default used) qtype: 'torque', 'slurm', or 'local': override queue.MODE Returns: str: A string with the appropriate flags for the active queue. """ # Import a couple of queue functions here from . import queue qtype = qtype if qtype else queue.MODE queue.check_queue(qtype) if isinstance(option, dict): raise ValueError('Arguments to option_to_string cannot be ' 'dictionaries, you probably want options_to_string') option = str(option).rstrip() if option == 'cores' or option == 'nodes': raise OptionsError('Cannot handle cores or nodes here, use ' + 'options_to_string') if qtype == 'slurm': kwds = SLURM_KWDS elif qtype == 'torque': kwds = TORQUE_KWDS elif qtype == 'local': return '' # There is no need of this in local mode else: # This should never happen raise ClusterError('Invalid qtype {}'.format(qtype)) # Make sure argument allowed option, value = list(check_arguments({option: value}).items())[0] # Fail with debug error if option not available in this mode if option in ALLOWED_KWDS and option not in kwds: logme.log('{} not available in {} mode.'.format(option, qtype), 'debug') return '' # Try to get default if not value: if not kwds[option]['type'] == bool: if 'default' in kwds[option]: value = kwds[option]['default'] logme.log('Using default value {} for {}' .format(value, option), 'debug') else: raise OptionsError('{} requires a value'.format(option)) # Return formatted string prefix = '#SBATCH' if qtype == 'slurm' else '#PBS' if '{}' in kwds[option][qtype]: if value is None: return '' if 'type' in kwds[option]: if not isinstance(value, kwds[option]['type']): raise ValueError( 'Argument to {} must be {}, but is:\n{}' .format(option, kwds[option]['type'], value) ) return '{prefix} {optarg}'.format( prefix=prefix, optarg=kwds[option][qtype].format(value)) else: return '{prefix} {option}'.format(prefix=prefix, option=kwds[option][qtype])
[docs]def options_to_string(option_dict, qtype=None): """Return a multi-line string for slurm or torque job submission. Args: option_dict (dict): Dict in format {option: value} where value can be None. If value is None, default used. qtype (str): 'torque', 'slurm', or 'local': override queue.MODE Returns: str: A multi-line string of torque or slurm options. """ # Import a couple of queue functions here from . import queue # Sanitize arguments if not isinstance(option_dict, dict): raise TypeError('option_dict must be dict is {}'.format( type(option_dict))) option_dict = check_arguments(option_dict.copy()) qtype = qtype if qtype else queue.MODE queue.check_queue(qtype) outlist = [] # Handle cores separately nodes = int(option_dict.pop('nodes')) if 'nodes' in option_dict else 1 cores = int(option_dict.pop('cores')) if 'cores' in option_dict else 1 # Set path if required if 'filepath' in option_dict: filepath = _os.path.abspath(option_dict.pop('filepath')) if 'outfile' in option_dict: option_dict['outfile'] = _os.path.join( filepath, _os.path.basename(option_dict['outfile'])) if 'errfile' in option_dict: option_dict['errfile'] = _os.path.join( filepath, _os.path.basename(option_dict['errfile'])) if qtype == 'slurm': outlist.append('#SBATCH --ntasks {}'.format(nodes)) outlist.append('#SBATCH --cpus-per-task {}'.format(cores)) elif qtype == 'torque': outstring = '#PBS -l nodes={}:ppn={}'.format(nodes, cores) if 'features' in option_dict: outstring += ':' + ':'.join( run.opt_split(option_dict.pop('features'), (',', ':'))) if 'qos' in option_dict: outstring += ',qos={}'.format(option_dict.pop('qos')) outlist.append(outstring) # Loop through all options for option, value in option_dict.items(): outlist.append(option_to_string(option, value, qtype)) return _re.sub(r'[\n]+', '\n', '\n'.join(outlist))
[docs]def option_help(mode='string', qtype=None, tablefmt='simple'): """Print a sting to stdout displaying information on all options. Args: mode (str): string: Return a formatted string print: Print the string to stdout list: Return a simple list of keywords table: Return a table of lists merged_table: Combine all keywords into a single table qtype (str): If provided only return info on that queue type. tablefmt (str): A tabulate-style table format, one of:: 'plain', 'simple', 'grid', 'pipe', 'orgtbl', 'rst', 'mediawiki', 'latex', 'latex_booktabs' Returns: str: A formatted string """ hlp = _OD() # Explicitly get the function call help out of core to treat separately common = COMMON.copy() impts = common.pop('imports') hlp['common'] = { 'summary': 'Used in every mode', 'help': common, } hlp['func'] = { 'summary': 'Used for function calls', 'help': _OD([('imports', impts)]), } hlp['local'] = { 'summary': 'Used only in local mode', 'help': NORMAL, } # Include all cluster options in one cluster = CLUSTER_CORE.copy() cluster.update(CLUSTER_OPTS) hlp['cluster'] = { 'summary': 'Options that work in both slurm and torque', 'help': cluster, } if TORQUE: hlp['torque'] = { 'summary': "Used for torque only", 'help': TORQUE, } if SLURM: hlp['slurm'] = { 'summary': "Used for slurm only", 'help': SLURM, } if qtype: if qtype == 'local': hlp.pop('cluster') hlp.pop('torque') hlp.pop('slurm') elif qtype == 'slurm': hlp.pop('torque') elif qtype == 'torque': hlp.pop('slurm') else: raise ClusterError('qtype must be "torque", "slurm", or "local"') if mode == 'print' or mode == 'string': outstr = '' for hlp_info in hlp.values(): tmpstr = '' for option, inf in hlp_info['help'].items(): default = inf['default'] if 'default' in inf else None typ = inf['type'] helpitems = _wrap(inf['help']) helpstr = helpitems[0] if len(helpitems) > 1: hstr = '\n' + ' '*15 helpstr += hstr helpstr += hstr.join(helpitems[1:]) if isinstance(typ, (tuple, list, set)): typ = [t.__name__ for t in typ] else: typ = typ.__name__ tmpstr += ('{o:<15}{h}\n{s:<15}Type: {t}; Default: {d}\n' .format(o=option + ':', h=helpstr, s=' ', t=typ, d=default)) outstr += '{}::\n{}\n'.format(hlp_info['summary'], tmpstr) outstr = outstr.rstrip() + '\n' if mode == 'print': _sys.stdout.write(outstr) else: return outstr elif mode == 'table': tables = _OD() for sect, ddct in hlp.items(): summary = '{}: {}'.format(sect.title(), ddct['summary']) outtable = [['Option', 'Description', 'Type', 'Default']] dct = ddct['help'] for opt, inf in dct.items(): if isinstance(inf['type'], (tuple, list, set)): typ = [t.__name__ for t in inf['type']] else: typ = inf['type'].__name__ outtable.append([ opt, inf['help'], typ, str(inf['default']) ]) tables[summary] = outtable tables['Synonyms'] = [ ['Synonym', 'Option'] ] + [ list(i) for i in SYNONYMS.items() ] out_string = '' for section, table in tables.items(): out_string += '\n' + section + '\n' out_string += '-'*len(section) + '\n\n' out_string += _tabulate( table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt=tablefmt ) + '\n\n' return out_string elif mode == 'merged_table': table = [] headers = ['Option', 'Description', 'Type', 'Default', 'Section'] for sect, ddct in hlp.items(): dct = ddct['help'] for opt, inf in dct.items(): if isinstance(inf['type'], (tuple, list, set)): typ = [t.__name__ for t in inf['type']] else: typ = inf['type'].__name__ table.append([ opt, inf['help'], typ, str(inf['default']), sect ]) out_string = _tabulate( table, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt ) + '\n\n' out_string += 'Synonyms\n' out_string += '-'*8 + '\n\n' out_string += _tabulate( [list(i) for i in SYNONYMS.items()], headers=['Synonym', 'Option'], tablefmt=tablefmt ) return out_string elif mode == 'list': return '\n'.join(['\n'.join(i['help'].keys()) for i in hlp.values()]) else: raise ClusterError('mode must be "print", "string", or "table"')