Source code for fyrd.queue

#job -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Monitor the queue for torque or slurm.

Provides a class to monitor the torque, slurm, or local queues with identical

At its simplest, you can use it like::

    q = queue.Queue()

All of the above commands return a dictionary of:
    {job_no: Queue.QueueJob}

Queue.QueueJob classes include information on job state, owner, queue, nodes,
threads, exitcode, etc.

Queue also defines a wait() method that takes a list of job numbers, job.Job()
objects, or JobQueue.Job objects and blocks until those jobs to complete

The default cluster environment is also defined in this file as MODE, it can be
set directly or with the get_cluster_environment() function definied here.
import re
import sys
import pwd      # Used to get usernames for queue
import socket   # Used to get the hostname
import getpass  # Used to get usernames for queue
from datetime import datetime as _dt
from time import time, sleep
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError

# For parsing torque queues
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#                                Our functions                                #

from . import run
from . import logme
from . import conf
from . import ClusterError

#  Which system to use  #

from . import ALLOWED_MODES

#  The multiprocessing pool, only used in 'local' mode  #

from . import local

# Funtions to import if requested
__all__ = ['Queue', 'wait', 'check_queue', 'get_cluster_environment']

# We only need the queue defaults
_defaults = conf.get_option('queue')

# This is set in the get_cluster_environment() function.
MODE = ''

# Define torque-to-slurm mappings
    'C': 'completed',
    'E': 'completing',
    'H': 'held',  # Not a SLURM state
    'Q': 'pending',
    'R': 'running',
    'T': 'suspended',
    'W': 'running',
    'S': 'suspended',

# Define job states
GOOD_STATES      = ['complete', 'completed', 'special_exit']
ACTIVE_STATES    = ['configuring', 'completing', 'pending',
BAD_STATES       = ['boot_fail', 'cancelled', 'failed',
                    'node_fail', 'timeout', 'disappeared']
UNCERTAIN_STATES = ['hold', 'preempted', 'stopped',

#                               The Queue Class                               #

[docs]class Queue(object): """A wrapper for torque, slurm, or local queues. Attributes: jobs (dict) A dictionary of all jobs in this queue {jobid: Queue.QueueJob} max_jobs (int): The maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue job_states (int): A list of the different states of jobs in this queue active_job_count (int): A count of all jobs that are either queued or running in the current queue can_submit (bool): True if total active jobs is less than max_jobs """ def __init__(self, user=None, partition=None, qtype=None,): """Can filter by user, queue type or partition on initialization. Args: user (str): Optional usernameto filter the queue with. If user='self' or 'current', the current user will be used. partition (str): Optional partition to filter the queue with. qtype (str): 'torque', 'slurm', or 'local', defaults to auto-detect. """ # Get user ID as an int UID if user: if user == 'self' or user == 'current': self.user = getpass.getuser() """The username if defined.""" self.uid = pwd.getpwnam(self.user).pw_uid elif user == 'ALL': self.user = None else: if isinstance(user, int) \ or (isinstance(user, str) and user.isdigit()): self.uid = int(user) else: self.uid = pwd.getpwnam(str(user)).pw_uid else: self.uid = None self.user = pwd.getpwuid(self.uid).pw_name if self.uid else None self.partition = partition """The partition if defined.""" # Set queue length self.max_jobs = conf.get_option('queue', 'max_jobs') """The maximum number of jobs that can run in this queue.""" # Support python2, which hates reciprocal import from .job import Job from .local import Job as QJob self._Job = Job self._JobQueue = QJob # Get sleep time and update time self.queue_update_time = conf.get_option('queue', 'queue_update', 2) self.sleep_len = conf.get_option('queue', 'sleep_len', 2) # Set type if qtype: check_queue(qtype) else: check_queue() self.qtype = qtype if qtype else MODE # Allow tracking of updates to prevent too many updates self._updating = False # Will contain a dict of QueueJob objects indexed by ID = {} """All jobs currently in this queue.""" self._update() #################### # Public Methods # #################### def check_dependencies(self, dependencies): """Check if dependencies are running. Args: dependencies (list): List of job IDs Returns: str: 'active' if dependencies are running or queued, 'good' if completed, 'bad' if failed, cancelled, or suspended, 'absent' otherwise. """ for dep in run.listify(dependencies): dep = int(dep) if dep not in return 'absent' state =[dep].state if state in ACTIVE_STATES: return 'active' elif state in GOOD_STATES: return 'good' elif state in BAD_STATES or state in UNCERTAIN_STATES: return 'bad'
[docs] def wait(self, jobs): """Block until all jobs in jobs are complete. Update time is dependant upon the queue_update parameter in your ~/.fyrd file. In addition, wait() will not return until between 1 and 3 seconds after a job has completed, irrespective of queue_update time. This allows time for any copy operations to complete after the job exits. Args: jobs: A job or list of jobs to check. Can be one of: Job or multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult objects, job ID (int/str), or a object or a list/tuple of multiple Jobs or job IDs. Returns: True on success False or None on failure. """ self.update() logme.log('Queue waiting.', 'debug') # Sanitize arguments if not isinstance(jobs, (list, tuple)): jobs = [jobs] for job in jobs: if not isinstance(job, (str, int, self.QueueJob, self._Job, self._JobQueue)): raise ClusterError('job must be int, string, or Job, ' + 'is {}'.format(type(job))) # Wait for 0.1 second before checking, as jobs take a while to be # queued sometimes sleep(0.1) for job in jobs: logme.log('Checking {}'.format(job), 'debug') qtype = job.qtype if isinstance(job, self._Job) else self.qtype if isinstance(job, (self._Job, self._JobQueue, self.QueueJob)): job = if qtype == 'local': logme.log('Job is in local queue', 'debug') try: job = int(job) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Job must be a Job object or job #.') if not local.JQUEUE \ or not local.JQUEUE.runner.is_alive(): raise ClusterError('Cannot wait on job ' + str(job) + 'JobQueue does not exist') local.JQUEUE.wait(job) else: logme.log('Job is in remote queue', 'debug') if isinstance(job, self._Job): job = job = int(job) not_found = 0 lgd = False while True: self._update() # Allow 12 seconds to elapse before job is found in queue, # if it is not in the queue by then, assume completion. if job not in if lgd: logme.log('Attempt #{}/12'.format(not_found), 'debug') else: logme.log('{} not in queue, waiting up to 12s ' .format(job) + 'for it to appear', 'info') lgd = True sleep(1) not_found += 1 if not_found == 12: logme.log( '{} not in queue, tried 12 times over 12s' .format(job) + '. Job likely completed, ' + 'assuming completion, stats will be ' + 'unavailable.','warn' ) return 'disappeared' continue ## Actually look for job in running/queued queues lgd = False lgd2 = False start = res_time = conf.get_option('queue', 'res_time') count = 0 # Get job state job_state =[job].state # Check the state if job_state in GOOD_STATES: logme.log('Queue wait for {} complete' .format(job), 'debug') sleep(0.1) break elif job_state in ACTIVE_STATES: if lgd: logme.log('{} not complete yet, waiting' .format(job), 'debug') lgd = True else: logme.log('{} still not complete, waiting' .format(job), 'verbose') sleep(self.sleep_len) elif job_state in BAD_STATES: logme.log('Job {} failed with state {}' .format(job, job_state), 'error') return False elif job_state in UNCERTAIN_STATES: if not lgd2: logme.log('Job {} in state {}, waiting {} ' .format(job, job_state, res_time) + 'seconds for resolution', 'warn') lgd2 = True if ( - start).seconds > res_time: logme.log('Job {} still in state {}, aborting' .format(job, job_state), 'error') return False sleep(self.sleep_len) else: if count == 5: logme.log('Job {} in unknown state {} ' .format(job, job_state) + 'cannot continue', 'critical') raise QueueError('Unknown job state {}' .format(job_state)) logme.log('Job {} in unknown state {} ' .format(job, job_state) + 'trying to resolve', 'debug') count += 1 sleep(self.sleep_len) # Sleep an extra half second to allow post-run scripts to run sleep(0.5) return True
[docs] def wait_to_submit(self, max_jobs=None): """Block until fewer running/queued jobs in queue than max_jobs. Args: max_jobs (int): Override self.max_jobs """ count = 50 written = False if max_jobs: self.max_jobs = int(max_jobs) while True: if self.can_submit: return if not written: logme.log(('The queue is full, there are {} jobs running and ' '{} jobs queued. Will wait to submit, retrying ' 'every {} seconds.') .format(len(self.running), len(self.queued), self.sleep_len), 'info') written = True if count == 0: logme.log('Still waiting to submit.', 'info') count = 50 count -= 1 sleep(self.sleep_len)
[docs] def update(self): """Refresh the list of jobs from the server, limit queries.""" if int(time()) - self.last_update > self.queue_update_time: self._update() else: logme.log('Skipping update as last update too recent', 'debug') return self
[docs] def get_jobs(self, key): """Return a dict of jobs where state matches key.""" retjobs = {} for jobid, job in if job.state == key.lower(): retjobs[jobid] = job return retjobs
def get_user_jobs(self, users): """Filter jobs by user. Args: users (list): A list of users/owners Returns: dict: A filtered job dictionary of {job_id: QueueJob} for all jobs owned by the queried users. """ try: if isinstance(users, (str, int)): users = [users] else: users = list(users) except TypeError: users = [users] return {k: v for k, v in if v.owner in users} @property def users(self): """Return a list of users with jobs running.""" return [job.owner for job in] @property def job_states(self): """Return a list of job states for all jobs in the queue.""" return [job.state for job in] @property def finished(self): """Return a list of jobs that are neither queued nor running.""" return {i: j for i, j in \ if j.state not in ACTIVE_STATES} @property def bad(self): """Return a list of jobs that have bad or uncertain states.""" return {i: j for i, j in \ if j.state in BAD_STATES or j.state in UNCERTAIN_STATES} @property def active_job_count(self): """Return a count of all queued or running jobs.""" return sum([ len(j) for j in [ self.get_jobs(i) for i in ACTIVE_STATES ] ]) @property def can_submit(self): """Return True if R/Q jobs are less than max_jobs. If max_jobs is None, default from config is used. """ self.update() return self.active_job_count < self.max_jobs ###################### # Internal Functions # ###################### def _update(self): """Refresh the list of jobs from the server. This is the core queue interaction function of this class. """ if self._updating: return logme.log('Queue updating', 'debug') # Set the update time I don't care about microseconds self.last_update = int(time()) jobs = [] # list of jobs created this session # Mode specific initialization if self.qtype == 'local': if not local.JQUEUE or not local.JQUEUE.runner.is_alive(): local.JQUEUE = local.JobQueue(cores=local.THREADS) for job_id, job_info in local.JQUEUE: if job_id in job =[job_id] else: job = self.QueueJob() = job_id = job_info.function.__name__ job.owner = self.user self.nodes = socket.gethostname() if job_info.state == 'Not Submitted': job.state = 'pending' elif job_info.state == 'waiting' \ or job_info.state == 'submitted': job.state = 'pending' elif job_info.state == 'started' \ or job_info.state == 'running': job.state = 'running' elif job_info.state == 'done': job.state = 'completed' job.exitcode = int(job_info.exitcode) elif job_info.state == 'queued': job.state = 'pending' else: raise Exception('Unrecognized state') # Assign the job to self.[job_id] = job jobs.append(job_id) else: for [job_id, job_name, job_user, job_partition, job_state, job_nodelist, job_nodecount, job_cpus, job_exitcode] in queue_parser(self.qtype, self.user, self.partition): if job_id not in job = self.QueueJob() else: job =[job_id] jobs.append(job_id) = job_id = job_name job.owner = job_user job.queue = job_partition job.state = job_state.lower() job.nodes = job_nodelist # Threads is number of nodes * jobs per node if job_nodecount and job_cpus: job.threads = int(job_nodecount) * int(job_cpus) else: job.threads = None if job.state == 'completed' or job.state == 'failed': job.exitcode = job_exitcode # Assign the job to self.[job_id] = job jobs.append(job_id) # We assume that if a job just disappeared it completed if for qjob in if not in jobs: qjob.state = 'completed' qjob.disappeared = True def __getattr__(self, key): """Make running and queued attributes dynamic.""" key = key.lower() if key in TORQUE_SLURM_STATES: key = TORQUE_SLURM_STATES[key] if key == 'complete': key = 'completed' elif key == 'queued': key = 'pending' if key in ALL_STATES: return self.get_jobs(key) def __getitem__(self, key): """Allow direct accessing of jobs by job id.""" if isinstance(key, self._Job): key = key.jobid key = int(key) try: return[key] except KeyError: return None def __iter__(self): """Allow us to be iterable.""" for jb in yield jb def __len__(self): """Length is the total job count.""" return len( def __repr__(self): """For debugging.""" self._updating = True if self.user: outstr = 'Queue<jobs:{};completed:{};queued:{};user={}>'.format( len(self), len(self.complete), len(self.queued), self.user) else: outstr = 'Queue<jobs:{};completed:{};queued:{};user=ALL>'.format( len(self), len(self.complete), len(self.queued)) self._updating = False return outstr def __str__(self): """A list of keys.""" return str( ############################################## # A simple class to hold jobs in the queue # ############################################## class QueueJob(object): """A very simple class to store info about jobs in the queue. Only used for torque and slurm queues. Attributes: id (int): Job ID name (str): Job name owner (str): User who owns the job threads (int): Number of cores used by the job queue (str): The queue/partition the job is running in state (str): Current state of the job, normalized to slurm states nodes (list): List of nodes job is running on exitcode (int): Exit code of completed job disappeared (bool): Job cannot be found in the queue anymore """ id = None name = None owner = None threads = None queue = None state = None nodes = None exitcode = None disappeared = False def __init__(self): """No initialization needed all attributes are set elsewhere.""" pass def __repr__(self): """Show all info.""" outstr = ("Queue.QueueJob<{id}:{state}({name},owner:{owner}," + "queue:{queue},nodes:{nodes},threads:{threads}," + "exitcode:{code})").format(,, owner=self.owner, queue=self.queue, nodes=self.nodes, code=self.exitcode, threads=self.threads, state=self.state) if self.disappeared: outstr += 'DISAPPEARED>' else: outstr += '>' return outstr def __str__(self): """Print job ID.""" return str(
################ # Exceptions # ################
[docs]class QueueError(Exception): """Simple Exception wrapper.""" pass
############################################################################### # Non-Class Functions # ############################################################################### ################### # Queue Parsers # ###################
[docs]def queue_parser(qtype=None, user=None, partition=None): """Call either torque or slurm qtype parsers depending on qtype. Args: qtype: Either 'torque' or 'slurm', defaults to current MODE user: optional user name to pass to queue to filter queue with Yields: tuple: job_id, name, userid, partition, state, nodelist, numnodes, ntpernode, exit_code """ if not qtype: qtype = get_cluster_environment() if qtype == 'torque': return torque_queue_parser(user, partition) elif qtype == 'slurm': return slurm_queue_parser(user, partition) else: raise ClusterError("Invalid qtype type {}, must be 'torque' or 'slurm'" .format(qtype))
[docs]def torque_queue_parser(user=None, partition=None): """Iterator for torque queues. Use the `qstat -x` command to get an XML queue for compatibility. Args: user: optional user name to pass to qstat to filter queue with partiton: optional partition to filter the queue with Yields: tuple: job_id, name, userid, partition, state, nodelist, numnodes, ntpernode, exit_code numcpus is currently always 1 as most torque queues treat every core as a node. """ # I am not using run.cmd because I want to catch XML errors also try_count = 0 qargs = ['qstat', '-x'] while True: try: xmlqueue = ET.fromstring(check_output(qargs)) except CalledProcessError: sleep(1) if try_count == 5: raise else: try_count += 1 except ET.ParseError: # ElementTree throws error when string is empty sleep(1) if try_count == 1: xmlqueue = None break else: try_count += 1 else: break # Create QueueJob objects for all entries that match user if xmlqueue is not None: for xmljob in xmlqueue: job_id = xmljob.find('Job_Id').text.split('.')[0] if '[' in job_id: job_id, array_id = job_id.split('[') array_id = array_id.strip('[]') if array_id: array_id = int(array_id) else: array_id = 0 else: array_id = None try: job_id = int(job_id) except ValueError: # Allow string job IDs pass job_owner = xmljob.find('Job_Owner').text.split('@')[0] if user and job_owner != user: continue job_name = xmljob.find('Job_Name').text job_queue = xmljob.find('queue').text job_state = xmljob.find('job_state').text job_state = TORQUE_SLURM_STATES[job_state] logme.log('Job {} state: {}'.format(job_id, job_state), 'debug') ndsx = xmljob.find('exec_host') if ndsx: nds = ndsx.text.split('+') else: nds = [] nodes = [] for node in nds: if '-' in node: nm, num = node.split('/') for i in range(*[int(i) for i in num.split('-')]): nodes.append(nm + '/' + str(i).zfill(2)) else: nodes.append(node) # I assume that every 'node' is a core, as that is the # default for torque, but it isn't always true job_threads = len(nodes) exitcode = xmljob.find('exit_status') if hasattr(exitcode, 'text'): exitcode = int(exitcode.text) if partition and job_queue != partition: continue yield (job_id, job_name, job_owner, job_queue, job_state, nodes, job_threads, 1, exitcode)
[docs]def slurm_queue_parser(user=None, partition=None): """Iterator for slurm queues. Use the `squeue -O` command to get standard data across implementation, supplement this data with the results of `sacct`. sacct returns data only for the current user but retains a much longer job history. Only jobs not returned by squeue are added with sacct, and they are added to *the end* of the returned queue, i.e. *out of order with respect to the actual queue*. Args: user: optional user name to filter queue with partition: optional partition to filter queue with Yields: tuple: job_id, name, userid, partition, state, nodelist, numnodes, ntpernode, exit_code """ nodequery = re.compile(r'([^\[,]+)(\[[^\[]+\])?') qargs = ['squeue', '-h', '-O', 'jobid:400,arraytaskid:400,name:400,userid:400,partition:400,' + 'state:400,nodelist:400,numnodes:400,numcpus:400,exit_code:400'] # Parse queue info by length squeue = [ tuple( [k[i:i+200].rstrip() for i in range(0, 4000, 400)] ) for k in run.cmd(qargs)[1].split('\n') ] # SLURM sometimes clears the queue extremely fast, so we use sacct # to get old jobs by the current user qargs = ['sacct', '-p', '--format=jobid,jobname,user,partition,state,' + 'nodelist,reqnodes,ncpus,exitcode'] try: sacct = [tuple(i.strip(' |').split('|')) for i in run.cmd(qargs)[1].split('\n')] sacct = sacct[1:] # This command isn't super stable and we don't care that much, so I will # just let it die no matter what except Exception as e: if logme.MIN_LEVEL == 'debug': raise e else: sacct = [] if sacct: if len(sacct[0]) != 9: logme.log('sacct parsing failed unexpectedly as there are not ' + '9 columns, aborting.', 'critical') raise ValueError('sacct output does not have 9 columns. Has:' + '{}: {}'.format(len(sacct[0]), sacct[0])) jobids = [i[0] for i in squeue] for sinfo in sacct: # Skip job steps, only index whole jobs if '.' in sinfo[0]: logme.log('Skipping {} '.format(sinfo[0]) + "in sacct processing as it is a job part.", 'verbose') continue # These are the values I expect try: [sid, sname, suser, spartition, sstate, snodelist, snodes, scpus, scode] = sinfo if '_' in sid: sid, sarr = sid.split('_') sif = '{}_{}'.format(sid, sarr) else: sarr = None sif = '{}'.format(sid) except ValueError as err: logme.log('sacct parsing failed with error {} '.format(err) + 'due to an incorrect number of entries.\n' + 'Contents of sinfo:\n{}\n'.format(sinfo) + 'Expected 9 values\n:' + '[sid, sname, suser, spartition, sstate, ' + 'snodelist, snodes, scpus, scode]', 'critical') raise # Skip jobs that were already in squeue if sid in jobids: logme.log('{} still in squeue output'.format(sid), 'verbose') continue scode = int(scode.split(':')[-1]) squeue.append((sid, sarr, sname, suser, spartition, sstate, snodelist, snodes, scpus, scode)) else: logme.log('No job info in sacct', 'debug') # Sanitize data for sinfo in squeue: if len(sinfo) == 10: [sid, sarr, sname, suser, spartition, sstate, sndlst, snodes, scpus, scode] = sinfo else: sys.stderr.write('{}'.format(repr(sinfo))) raise ClusterError('Queue parsing error, expected 10 items ' 'in output of squeue and sacct, got {}\n' .format(len(sinfo))) if partition and spartition != partition: continue if not isinstance(sid, int): sid = int(sid) if sid else None if isinstance(sarr, str) and sarr.isdigit(): sarr = int(sarr) else: sarr = None if not isinstance(snodes, int): snodes = int(snodes) if snodes else None if not isinstance(scpus, int): scpus = int(scpus) if snodes else None if not isinstance(scode, int): scode = int(scode) if scode else None # Convert user from ID to name if suser.isdigit(): suser = pwd.getpwuid(int(suser)).pw_name if user and suser != user: continue # Attempt to parse nodelist snodelist = [] if sndlst: if nsplit = nodequery.findall(sndlst) for nrg in nsplit: node, rge = nrg if not rge: snodelist.append(node) else: for reg in rge.strip('[]').split(','): # Node range if '-' in reg: start, end = [int(i) for i in reg.split('-')] for i in range(start, end): snodelist.append('{}{}'.format(node, i)) else: snodelist.append('{}{}'.format(node, reg)) else: snodelist = sndlst.split(',') yield (sid, sname, suser, spartition, sstate, snodelist, snodes, scpus, scode)
########################################################### # Set the global cluster type: slurm, torque, or local # ###########################################################
[docs]def get_cluster_environment(): """Detect the local cluster environment and set MODE globally. Uses which to search for sbatch first, then qsub. If neither is found, MODE is set to local. Returns: tuple: MODE variable ('torque', 'slurm', or 'local') """ global MODE conf_queue = conf.get_option('queue', 'queue_type', 'auto') if conf_queue not in ['torque', 'slurm', 'local', 'auto']: logme.log('queue_type in the config file is {}, '.format(conf_queue) + 'but it should be one of torque, slurm, local, or auto. ' + 'Resetting it to auto', 'warn') conf.set_option('queue', 'queue_type', 'auto') conf_queue = 'auto' if conf_queue == 'auto': sbatch_cmnd = conf.get_option('queue', 'sbatch') qsub_cmnd = conf.get_option('queue', 'qsub') sbatch_cmnd = sbatch_cmnd if sbatch_cmnd else 'sbatch' qsub_cmnd = qsub_cmnd if qsub_cmnd else 'qsub' if run.which(sbatch_cmnd): MODE = 'slurm' elif run.which(qsub_cmnd): MODE = 'torque' else: MODE = 'local' else: MODE = conf_queue if MODE == 'slurm' or MODE == 'torque': logme.log('{} detected, using for cluster submissions'.format(MODE), 'debug') else: logme.log('No cluster environment detected, using multiprocessing', 'debug') return MODE
############################## # Check if queue is usable # ##############################
[docs]def check_queue(qtype=None): """Raise exception if MODE is incorrect.""" if 'MODE' not in globals(): global MODE MODE = get_cluster_environment() if not MODE: MODE = get_cluster_environment() if qtype: if qtype not in ALLOWED_MODES: raise ClusterError('qtype value {} is not recognized, ' .format(qtype) + 'should be: local, torque, or slurm') else: if MODE not in ALLOWED_MODES: MODE = qtype return True elif MODE not in ALLOWED_MODES: raise ClusterError('MODE value {} is not recognized, '.format(MODE) + 'should be: local, torque, or slurm')
###################################################################### # Expose the Queue waiting method without requiring a Queue object # ###################################################################### def wait(jobs): """Wait for jobs to finish. Args: jobs: A single job or list of jobs to wait for. With torque or slurm, these should be job IDs, with local mode, these are multiprocessing job objects (returned by submit()) """ # Support python2, which hates reciprocal import for 80's reasons from .job import Job from .local import JobQueue check_queue() # Make sure the MODE is usable # Sanitize argument if not isinstance(jobs, (list, tuple)): jobs = [jobs] for job in jobs: if not isinstance(job, (str, int, Job, JobQueue)): raise ClusterError('job must be int, string, or Job, ' + 'is {}'.format(type(job))) if MODE == 'local': for job in jobs: try: job = int(job) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Job must be a Job object or job #.') if not local.JQUEUE or not local.JQUEUE.runner.is_alive(): raise ClusterError('Cannot wait on job ' + str(job) + 'JobQueue does not exist') local.JQUEUE.wait(job) elif MODE == 'torque': # Wait for 1 seconds before checking, as jobs take a while to be queued # sometimes sleep(1) s = re.compile(r' +') # For splitting qstat output # Jobs must be strings for comparison operations jobs = [str(j) for j in jobs] q = run.cmd('qstat -a', tries=8)[1].rstrip().split('\n') # Check header if not re.split(r' {2,100}', q[3])[9] == 'S': raise ClusterError('Unrecognized torque qstat format') # Build a list of completed jobs complete = [] for j in q[5:]: i = s.split(j) if i[9] == 'C': complete.append(i[0].split('.')[0]) # Build a list of all jobs alljobs = [s.split(j)[0].split('.')[0] for j in q[5:]] # Trim down job list jobs = [j for j in jobs if j in alljobs] jobs = [j for j in jobs if j not in complete] if len(jobs) == 0: return elif MODE == 'slurm': # Wait for 2 seconds before checking, as jobs take a while to be queued # sometimes sleep(2) # Jobs must be strings for comparison operations jobs = [str(j) for j in jobs] while True: # Slurm allows us to get a custom output for faster parsing q = check_output( ['squeue', '-h', '-o', "'%A,%t'"]).decode().rstrip().split(',') # Build a list of jobs complete = [i[0] for i in q if i[1] == 'CD'] failed = [i[0] for i in q if i[1] == 'F'] allj = [i[0] for i in q] # Trim down job list, ignore failures jobs = [i for i in jobs if i not in allj] jobs = [i for i in jobs if i not in complete] jobs = [i for i in jobs if i not in failed] if len(jobs) == 0: return sleep(2)