Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
File management and execution functions.
import os
import re
import sys
import bz2
import gzip
import argparse
from subprocess import Popen
from subprocess import PIPE
from time import sleep

from . import logme

__all__ = ['cmd', 'which', 'open_zipped']

#                               Useful Classes                                #

class CustomFormatter(argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,

    """Custom argparse formatting."""


class CommandError(Exception):

    """A custom exception."""


#                              Useful Functions                               #

[docs]def open_zipped(infile, mode='r'): """Open a regular, gzipped, or bz2 file. If infile is a file handle or text device, it is returned without changes. Returns: text mode file handle. """ mode = mode[0] + 't' if hasattr(infile, 'write'): return infile if isinstance(infile, str): if infile.endswith('.gz'): return, mode) if infile.endswith('.bz2'): if hasattr(bz2, 'open'): return, mode) else: return bz2.BZ2File(infile, mode) return open(infile, mode)
def opt_split(opt, split_on): """Split opt by chars in split_on, merge all into single list.""" if not isinstance(opt, (list, tuple, set)): opt = [opt] if not isinstance(split_on, (list, tuple, set)): split_on = [split_on] final_list = [] for o in opt: final_list += re.split('[{}]'.format(''.join(split_on)), o) return list(set(final_list)) # Return unique options only, order lost.
[docs]def cmd(command, args=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, tries=1): """Run command and return status, output, stderr. Args: command (str): Path to executable. args (tuple): Tuple of arguments. stdout (str): File or open file like object to write STDOUT to. stderr (str): File or open file like object to write STDERR to. tries (int): Number of times to try to execute. 1+ Returns: tuple: exit_code, STDOUT, STDERR """ tries = int(tries) assert tries > 0 count = 1 if isinstance(command, (list, tuple)): if args: raise Exception('Cannot submit list/tuple command as i' + 'well as args argument') command = ' '.join(command) assert isinstance(command, str) if args: if isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): args = ' '.join(args) args = command + args else: args = command logme.log('Running {} as {}'.format(command, args), 'verbose') while True: try: pp = Popen(args, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except FileNotFoundError: logme.log('{} does not exist'.format(command), 'critical') raise out, err = pp.communicate() code = pp.returncode if code == 0 or count == tries: break logme.log('Command {} failed with code {}, retrying.' .format(command, code), 'warn') sleep(1) count += 1 logme.log('{} completed with code {}'.format(command, code), 'debug') if stdout: with open_zipped(stdout, 'w') as fout: fout.write(out) if stderr: with open_zipped(stderr, 'w') as fout: fout.write(err) return code, out.rstrip(), err.rstrip()
[docs]def is_exe(fpath): """Return True is fpath is executable.""" return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
[docs]def which(program): """Replicate the UNIX which command. Taken verbatim from: Args: program: Name of executable to test. Returns: Path to the program or None on failure. """ fpath, program = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return os.path.abspath(program) else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return os.path.abspath(exe_file) return None
[docs]def file_type(infile): """Return file type after stripping gz or bz2.""" name_parts = infile.split('.') if name_parts[-1] == 'gz' or name_parts[-1] == 'bz2': name_parts.pop() return name_parts[-1]
[docs]def is_file_type(infile, types): """Return True if infile is one of types. Args: infile: Any file name types: String or list/tuple of strings (e.g ['bed', 'gtf']) Returns: True or False """ if hasattr(infile, 'write'): return False if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] if not isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): raise Exception('types must be string list or tuple') for typ in types: if file_type(infile) == typ: return True return False
[docs]def write_iterable(iterable, outfile): """Write all elements of iterable to outfile.""" with open_zipped(outfile, 'w') as fout: fout.write('\n'.join(iterable))
[docs]def indent(string, prefix=' '): """Replicate python3's textwrap.indent for python2. Args: string (str): Any string. prefix (str): What to indent with. Returns: str: Indented string """ out = '' for i in string.split('\n'): out += '{}{}\n'.format(prefix, i) return out
[docs]def check_pid(pid): """Check For the existence of a unix pid.""" try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: return False else: return True
[docs]def get_input(message, valid_answers=None): """Get input from the command line and check answers. Allows input to work with python 2/3 Args: message (str): A message to print, an additional space will be added. valid_answers (list): A list of answers to accept, if None, ignored. Case insensitive. Returns: str: The response """ if valid_answers: if isinstance(valid_answers, str): valid_answers = [valid_answers] if not isinstance(valid_answers, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)): logme.log('valid_answers must be a list, is {}' .format(type(valid_answers)), 'critical') raise ValueError('Invalid argument') valid_answers = [i.lower() for i in valid_answers] while True: ans = _get_input(message) if ans.lower() in valid_answers: return ans else: logme.log('Invalid response to input question', 'debug') sys.stderr.write('Invalid response: {}\n'.format(ans) + 'Valid responses: {}\n' .format(valid_answers) + 'Please try again.\n') else: return _get_input(message)
def _get_input(message): """Run either input or raw input depending on python version.""" if sys.version_info.major == 2: return raw_input(message) else: return input(message) ############################################################################### # Scripts to Write to File # ############################################################################### SCRP_RUNNER = """\ #!/bin/bash {precmd} mkdir -p $LOCAL_SCRATCH > /dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ -f {script} ]; then {command} else echo "{script} does not exist, make sure you set your filepath to a " echo "directory that is available to the compute nodes." exit 1 fi """ SCRP_RUNNER_TRACK = """\ #!/bin/bash {precmd} mkdir -p $LOCAL_SCRATCH > /dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ -f {script} ]; then cd {usedir} date +'%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S' echo "Running {name}" {command} exitcode=$? echo Done date +'%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S' if [[ $exitcode != 0 ]]; then echo Exited with code: $exitcode >&2 fi else echo "{script} does not exist, make sure you set your filepath to a " echo "directory that is available to the compute nodes." exit 1 fi """ CMND_RUNNER = """\ #!/bin/bash {precmd} mkdir -p $LOCAL_SCRATCH > /dev/null 2>/dev/null cd {usedir} {command} exitcode=$? if [[ $exitcode != 0 ]]; then echo Exited with code: $exitcode >&2 fi """ CMND_RUNNER_TRACK = """\ #!/bin/bash {precmd} mkdir -p $LOCAL_SCRATCH > /dev/null 2>/dev/null cd {usedir} date +'%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S' echo "Running {name}" {command} exitcode=$? echo Done date +'%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S' if [[ $exitcode != 0 ]]; then echo Exited with code: $exitcode >&2 fi """ FUNC_RUNNER = r"""\ ''' Run a function remotely and pickle the result. To try and make this as resistent to failure as possible, we import everything we can, this sometimes results in duplicate imports and always results in unnecessary imports, but given the context we don't care, as we just want the thing to run successfully on the first try, no matter what. ''' import os import sys import socket from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # Try to use dill, revert to pickle if not found try: import dill as pickle except ImportError: try: import cPickle as pickle # For python2 except ImportError: import pickle out = None try: {imports} {modimpstr} except Exception as e: out = e ERR_MESSAGE = '''\ Failed to import your function. This usually happens when you have a module installed locally that is not available on the compute nodes.\n In this case the module is {{}}. However, I can only catch the first uninstalled module. To make sure all of your modules are installed on the compute nodes, do this:: freeze --local | grep -v ^\-e | cut -d = -f 1 "> module_list.txt\n Then, submit a job to the compute nodes with this command:: cat module_list.txt | xargs pip install --user ''' def run_function(func_c, args=None, kwargs=None): '''Run a function with arglist and return output.''' if not hasattr(func_c, '__call__'): raise Exception('{{}} is not a callable function.' .format(func_c)) if args and kwargs: ot = func_c(*args, **kwargs) elif args: try: iter(args) except TypeError: args = (args,) if isinstance(args, str): args = (args,) ot = func_c(*args) elif kwargs: ot = func_c(**kwargs) else: ot = func_c() return ot if __name__ == "__main__": # If an Exception was raised during import, skip this if not out: with open('{pickle_file}', 'rb') as fin: # Try to install packages first try: function_call, args, kwargs = pickle.load(fin) except ImportError as e: module = str(e).split(' ')[-1] node = socket.gethostname() sys.stderr.write(ERR_MESSAGE.format(module)) out = ImportError(('Module {{}} is not installed on compute ' 'node {{}}').format(module, node)) try: if not out: out = run_function(function_call, args, kwargs) except Exception as e: out = e with open('{out_file}', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(out, fout) """