Source code for fyrd.submission_scripts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Classes to build submission scripts.
import os  as _os
import sys as _sys
import inspect as _inspect
from textwrap import dedent as _ddent
from types import ModuleType as _ModuleType

# Try to use dill, revert to pickle if not found
    import dill as _pickle
except ImportError:
        import cPickle as _pickle # For python2
    except ImportError:
        import _pickle

#                               Import Ourself                                #

from . import run as _run
from . import logme as _logme
from .run import indent as _ident

[docs]class Script(object): """A script string plus a file name.""" written = False def __init__(self, file_name, script): """Initialize the script and file name.""" self.script = script self.file_name = _os.path.abspath(file_name)
[docs] def write(self, overwrite=True): """Write the script file.""" _logme.log('Script: Writing {}'.format(self.file_name), 'debug') if overwrite or not _os.path.exists(self.file_name): with open(self.file_name, 'w') as fout: fout.write(self.script + '\n') self.written = True return self.file_name else: return None
[docs] def clean(self, _=None): """Delete any files made by us.""" if self.written and self.exists: _logme.log('Script: Deleting {}'.format(self.file_name), 'debug') _os.remove(self.file_name)
def __getattr__(self, attr): """Make sure boolean is up to date.""" if attr == 'exists': return _os.path.exists(self.file_name) def __repr__(self): """Display simple info.""" return "Script<{}(exists: {}; written: {})>".format( self.file_name, self.exists, self.written) def __str__(self): """Print the script.""" return repr(self) + '::\n\n' + self.script + '\n'
[docs]class Function(Script): """A special Script used to run a function.""" def __init__(self, file_name, function, args=None, kwargs=None, imports=None, pickle_file=None, outfile=None): """Create a function wrapper. NOTE: Function submission will fail if the parent file's code is not wrapped in an if __main__ wrapper. Args: file_name (str): A root name to the outfiles function (callable): Function handle. args (tuple): Arguments to the function as a tuple. kwargs (dict): Named keyword arguments to pass in the function call imports(list): A list of imports, if not provided, defaults to all current imports, which may not work if you use complex imports. The list can include the import call, or just be a name, e.g ['from os import path', 'sys'] pickle_file (str): The file to hold the function. outfile (str): The file to hold the output. """ self.function = function rootmod = _inspect.getmodule(self.function) self.parent = rootmod.__name__ self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs # Get the module path if hasattr(rootmod, '__file__'): imppath, impt = _os.path.split(rootmod.__file__) impt = _os.path.splitext(impt)[0] else: imppath = '.' impt = None imppath = _os.path.abspath(imppath) # Clobber ourselves to prevent pickling errors if impt and self.function.__module__ == '__main__': self.function.__module__ = impt # Import the submitted function if impt: imp1 = 'from {} import {}'.format(impt, self.function.__name__) imp2 = 'from {} import *'.format(impt) if impt != self.parent: imppath2 = _os.path.abspath(_os.path.join( imppath, *['..' for i in range(self.parent.count('.'))] )) bimp1 = 'from {} import {}'.format( self.parent, self.function.__name__) bimp2 = 'from {} import *'.format(self.parent) else: bimp1 = None elif self.parent != self.function.__name__ and self.parent != '__main__': imp1 = 'from {} import {}'.format( self.parent, self.function.__name__) imp2 = 'from {} import *'.format(self.parent) else: imp1 = 'import {}'.format(self.function.__name__) imp2 = None # Try to set a sane import string to make the function work if bimp1: modstr = _ddent("""\ sys.path.append('{imppath1}') try: try: {imp1} except SystemError: sys.path.append('{imppath2}') try: {bimp1} except ImportError: pass except ImportError: pass try: try: {imp2} except SystemError: try: {bimp2} except ImportError: pass except ImportError: pass """).format(imppath1=imppath, imppath2=imppath2, imp1=imp1, imp2=imp2, bimp1=bimp1, bimp2=bimp2) else: modstr = _ddent("""\ sys.path.append('{imppath1}') try: {imp1} except ImportError: pass try: {imp2} except ImportError: pass """).format(imppath1=imppath, imp1=imp1, imp2=imp2) modstr = _ident(modstr, ' ') ########################## # Take care of imports # ########################## if imports: if not isinstance(imports, (list, tuple)): imports = [imports] else: imports = [] # Import everything currently in globals for name, module in {k:i for k,i in globals().items() if isinstance(i, _ModuleType)}.items(): if name == '__main__' or not name.startswith('__'): imports.append((name, module.__name__)) # Import everything in the root file if hasattr(rootmod, '__file__'): imports += [(k,v.__name__) for k,v in _inspect.getmembers(rootmod, _inspect.ismodule) if not k.startswith('__')] imports = sorted(list(set(imports)), key=_sort_imports) _logme.log('Imports: {}'.format(imports), 'debug') # Create a sane set of imports ignore_list = ['os', 'sys', 'dill', 'pickle'] filtered_imports = [] for imp in imports: if imp in ignore_list: continue if isinstance(imp, tuple): iname, name = imp names = name.split('.') if iname in ignore_list: continue if name.startswith('@') or iname.startswith('@'): continue if iname != name: if len(names) > 1: if '.'.join(names[1:]) != iname: filtered_imports.append( ('try:\n from {} import {} as {}\n' 'except ImportError:\n pass\n') .format('.'.join(names[:-1]), names[-1], iname) ) else: filtered_imports.append( ('try:\n from {} import {}\n' 'except ImportError:\n pass\n') .format(names[0], '.'.join(names[1:])) ) else: filtered_imports.append( ('try:\n import {} as {}\n' 'except ImportError:\n pass\n') .format(name, iname) ) else: filtered_imports.append(('try:\n import {}\n' 'except ImportError:\n pass\n') .format(name)) else: if imp.startswith('import') or imp.startswith('from'): filtered_imports.append('try:\n ' + imp.rstrip() + '\nexcept ImportError:\n pass') else: if imp.startswith('@'): continue filtered_imports.append(('try:\n import {}\n' 'except ImportError:\n pass\n') .format(imp)) # Get rid of duplicates and sort imports impts = _ident('\n'.join(set(filtered_imports)), ' ') # Set file names self.pickle_file = pickle_file if pickle_file else file_name + '' self.outfile = outfile if outfile else file_name + '.pickle.out' # Create script text script = '#!{}\n'.format(_sys.executable) script += _run.FUNC_RUNNER.format(name=file_name, path=imppath, modimpstr=modstr, imports=impts, pickle_file=self.pickle_file, out_file=self.outfile) super(Function, self).__init__(file_name, script)
[docs] def write(self, overwrite=True): """Write the pickle file and call the parent Script write function.""" _logme.log('Writing pickle file {}'.format(self.pickle_file), 'debug') with open(self.pickle_file, 'wb') as fout: _pickle.dump((self.function, self.args, self.kwargs), fout) super(Function, self).write(overwrite)
[docs] def clean(self, delete_output=False): """Delete the input pickle file and any scripts. Args: delete_output (bool): Delete the output pickle file too. """ if self.written: if _os.path.isfile(self.pickle_file): _logme.log('Function: Deleting {}'.format(self.pickle_file), 'debug') _os.remove(self.pickle_file) if delete_output and _os.path.isfile(self.outfile): _logme.log('Function: Deleting {}'.format(self.outfile), 'debug') _os.remove(self.outfile) super(Function, self).clean(delete_output)
def _sort_imports(x): """Sort a list of tuples and strings, for use with sorted.""" if isinstance(x, tuple): return x[1] return x