Advanced Usage

Most of the important functionality is covered in the Getting Started section, and full details on the library are available in the API Reference section. This section just provides some extra information on Job and Queue management, and importantly introduces some of the higher-level options available through the helpers.

The Job Class

The core of this submission system is the Job class, this class builds a job using keyword arguments and profile parsing. The bulk of this is done at class initialization and is covered in the getting started section of this documentation and on job submission with the submit() method. There are several other features of this class to be aware of though.

Script File Handling

Torque and slurm both require submission scripts to work. In the future these will be stored by fyrd in a database and submitted from memory, but for now they are written to disk.

The creation and writing of these scripts is handled by the Script and Function classes in the fyrd.submission_scripts module. These classes pass keywords to the options_to_string() function of the options method, which converts them into a submission string compatible with the active cluster. These are then written to a script for submission to the cluster.

The Function class has some additional functionality to allow easy submission of functions to the cluster. It tries to build a list of all possible modules that the function could need and adds import statements to all of them to the function submission script. It then pickles the submitted function and arguments to a pickle file on the disk, and writes a python script to the same directory.

This python script unpickles the function and arguments and runs them, pickling either the result or and exception, if one is raised, to the disc on completion. The submission script calls this python script on the cluster nodes.

The script and output files are written to the path defined by the .filepath attribute of the Job class, which is set using the ‘filepath’ keyword argument. If not set, this directory defaults to the directory set in the filepath section of the config file or the current working directory. Note that this path is independent of the .runpath attibute, which is where the code will actually run, and also defaults to the current working directory.

Job Output Handling and Retrieval

The correct way to get outputs from within a python session is to call the .get() method of the Job class. This first calls the .wait() method, which blocks until job completion, and then the .fetch_outputs() method which calls get_output, get_stdout, and get_stderr, which save all function outputs, STDOUT, and STDERR to the class. This means that outputs can be accessed using the following Job class attributes:

  • .output — the function output for functions or STDOUT for scripts
  • .stdout — the STDOUT for the script submission (always present)
  • .stderr — the STDERR for the script submission (always present)

This makes job output retrieval very easy, but it is sometimes not what you want, particularly if outputs are very large (they get loaded into memory).

The wait() method will not save any outputs. In addition get() can be with the save=False argument, which means it will fetch the output (or STDOUT) only, but will not write them to the class itself.

Note: By default, get() also deletes all script and output files. This is generally a good thing as it keeps the working directory clean, but it isn’t always what you want. To prevent outputs from being deleted, pass delete_outfiles=False to get(), or alternatively set the .clean_outputs attribute to False prior to running get(). To prevent the cleaning of any files, including the script files, pass cleanup=False or set .clean_files to False.

clean_files and clean_outputs can also be set globally in the config file.

Job Files

All jobs write out a job file before submission, even though this is not necessary (or useful) with multiprocessing. This will change in a future version.

To ensure files are obviously produced by this package and that files are unique the file format is name.number.random_string.suffix.extension. These are:

name: Defined by the name= argument or guessed from the function/script number: A number count of the total jobs with the same name already queued random_string: An 8-character random string suffix: A string defined in the config file, default ‘cluster’ extension: An obvious extension such as ‘.sbatch’ or ‘.qsub’

To change the directory these files are written to, set the filedir item in the config file or use the ‘filedir’ keyword argument to Job or submit.

NOTE: This directory must be accessible to the compute nodes!!!

It is sometimes useful to set the filedir setting in the config to a single directory accessible cluster-wide. This avoids cluttering the current directory, particularly as outputs can be retrieved so easily from within python. If you are going to do this set the ‘clean_files’ and ‘clean_outfiles’ arguments in the config file to avoid cluttering the directory.

All Job objects have a clean() method that will delete any left over files. In addition there is a clean_job_files script that will delete all files made by this package in any given directory. Be very careful with the script though, it can clobber a lot of work all at once if it is used wrong.


The fyrd.helpers module defines several simple functions that allow more complex job handling.

The helpers are all high level functions that are not required for the library but make difficult jobs easy to assist in the goal of trivially easy cluster submission.

The most important function in fyrd.helpers is parapply(), which allows the user to submit a pandas.DataFrame.apply method to the cluster in parallel by splitting the DataFrame, submitting jobs, and then recombining the DataFrame at the end, all without leaving any temp files behind. e.g.:

df = pandas.read_csv('my_huge_file.txt')
df = fyrd.helpers.parapply(100, df, long_running_function, profile='fast')

That command will split the dataframe into 100 pieces, submit each to the cluster as a different job with the profile ‘fast’, and then recombine them into a single DataFrame again at the end.

parapply_summary behaves similarly but assumes that the function summarizes the data rather than returning a DataFrame of the same size. It thus runs the function on the resulting DataFrame also, allowing all dfs to be merged. e.g.:

df = fyrd.helpers.parapply_summary(df, numpy.mean)

This will return just the mean of all the numeric columns, parapply would return a DataFrame with duplicates for every submitted job.

Queue Management

Queue handling is done by the Queue class in the fyrd.queue module. This class calls the fyrd.queue.queue_parser iterator which in turn calls either fyrd.queue.torque_queue_parser or fyrd.queue.slurm_queue_parser depending on the detected cluster environment (set by fyrd.queue.QUEUE_MODE and overridden by the ‘queue_type’ config option if desired (not necessary, queue type is auto-detected)).

These iterators return the following information from the queue:

job_id, name, userid, partition, state, node-list, node-count, cpu-per-node, exit-code

These pieces of information are used to create QueueJob objects for every job, which are stored in the attribute (a dictionary). The Queue class provides several properties, attributes, and methods to allow easy filtering of these jobs.

Most important is the QueueJob.state attribute, which holds information on the current state of that job. To get a list of all states in the queue, call the Queue.job_states property, which will return a list of states in the queue. All of these states are also attributes of the Queue class, for example:


returns all completed jobs in the queue as a dictionary (a filtered copy of the .jobs attribute).

Note: torque states are auto-converted to slurm states, as slurm states are easier to read. e.g. ‘C’ becomes ‘completed’.

The most useful method of Queue is wait(), it will take a list of job numbers or Job objects and wait until all of them are complete. This method is called by the Job.wait() method, and can be called directly to wait for an arbitrary number of jobs.

To wait for all jobs from a given user, you can do this:

q = fyrd.Queue()
q.wait(q.get_user_jobs(['bob', 'fred']))

This task can also be accomplished with the console application:

fyrd wait <job> [<job>...]
fyrd wait -u bob fred

The method can actually be simply accessed as a function instead of needing the Queue class:

To generate a Queue object, do the following:

import fyrd
q = fyrd.Queue(user='self')

This will give you a simple queue object containg a list of jobs that belong to you. If you do not provide user, all jobs are included for all users. You can provide qtype to explicitly force the queue object to contain jobs from one queing system (e.g. local or torque).

To get a dictionary of all jobs, running jobs, queued jobs, and complete jobs, use:

Every job is a QueueJob class and has a number of attributes, including owner, nodes, cores, memory.


Many of the important options used by this software are set in a config file and can be managed on the console with fyrd conf ....

For full information see the Configuration section of this documentation.


I use a custion logging script called logme to log errors. To get verbose output, set fyrd.logme.MIN_LEVEL to ‘debug’ or ‘verbose’. To reduce output, set logme.MIN_LEVEL to ‘warn’.