Source code for fyrd.logme

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Logging with timestamps and optional log files.

Print a timestamped message to a logfile, STDERR, or STDOUT.

If STDERR or STDOUT are used, colored flags are added.  Colored flags are INFO,

It is possible to write to both logfile and STDOUT/STDERR using the also_write

If level is 'error' or 'critical', error is written to STDERR unless also_write
== -1

MIN_LEVEL can also be provided, logs will only print if vlevel > MIN_LEVEL.
Level order: critical>error>warn>info>debug>verbose


    import logme as lm
    lm.log("Screw up!", <outfile>,


    Prints: 20160223 11:46:24.969 | INFO --> Hi
    lm.log('Hi', level='debug')
    Prints nothing
    lm.MIN_LEVEL = 'debug'
    lm.log('Hi', level='debug')
    Prints: 20160223 11:46:24.969 | DEBUG --> Hi

Note: Uses terminal colors and STDERR, not compatible with non-unix systems
import sys
import gzip
import bz2
import logging
from datetime import datetime as dt

__all__ = ['log', 'MIN_LEVEL', 'LOGFILE']

#  Constants for printing colors  #

WHITE  = '\033[97m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED    = '\033[91m'
BOLD   = '\033[1m'
ENDC   = '\033[0m'

MIN_LEVEL = 'info'
LOGFILE   = sys.stderr

[docs]def log(message, level='info', logfile=None, also_write=None, min_level=None, kind=None): """Print a string to logfile. Levels display as:: verbose: <timestamp> VERBOSE --> debug: <timestamp> DEBUG --> info: <timestamp> INFO --> warn: <timestamp> WARNING --> error: <timestamp> ERROR --> critical: <timestamp> CRITICAL --> Parameters ---------- message : str, optional The message to print. logfile : file or logging object, optional Optional file to log to, defaults to STDERR. Can provide a logging object level : {'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'normal'}, optional Will only print if level > MIN_LEVEL also_write : {'stdout', 'stderr'}, optional Print to STDOUT or STDERR also. These only have an effect if the output is not already set to the same device. min_level : str, deprecated Retained for backwards compatibility, min_level should be set using the logme.MIN_LEVEL constant. kind : str, deprecated synonym for level, kept to retain backwards compatibility """ stdout = False stderr = False message = str(message) if not logfile: logfile = LOGFILE if kind: level = kind min_level = min_level if min_level else MIN_LEVEL # Level checking, not used with logging objects level_map = {'verbose': 0, 'debug': 1, 'info': 2, 'warn': 3, 'error': 4, 'critical': 5, 'v': 0, 'd': 1, 'i': 2, 'w': 3, 'e': 4, 'c': 5, 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5} try: level = level_map[level] except KeyError: raise Exception('Invalid level {}'.format(level)) try: min_level = level_map[min_level] except KeyError: raise Exception('Invalid min_level {}'.format(min_level)) if level > 3: if also_write != -1 or also_write != 'stdout': also_write = 'stderr' # Attempt to handle all file types if isinstance(logfile, (logging.RootLogger, logging.Logger)): _logit(message, logfile, level, color=False, min_level=min_level) elif isinstance(logfile, str): with _open_zipped(logfile, 'a') as outfile: _logit(message, outfile, level, color=False, min_level=min_level) elif str(getattr(logfile, 'name')).strip('<>') == 'stdout': _logit(message, logfile, level, color=True, min_level=min_level) stdout = True elif str(getattr(logfile, 'name')).strip('<>') == 'stderr': _logit(message, logfile, level, color=True, min_level=min_level) stderr = True elif getattr(logfile, 'closed'): with _open_zipped(, 'a') as outfile: _logit(message, outfile, level, color=False, min_level=min_level) else: _logit(message, logfile, level, color=False, min_level=min_level) # Also print to stdout or stderr if requested if also_write == 'stdout' and not stdout: _logit(message, sys.stdout, level, color=True, min_level=min_level) elif also_write == 'stderr' and not stderr: _logit(message, sys.stdout, level, color=True, min_level=min_level)
def clear(infile): """Truncate a file.""" open(infile, 'w').close() ############################################################################### # A Logging Exception # ############################################################################### class LoggingException(Exception): """Log a critical message with logme and also raise.""" def __init__(self, message, logfile=None): """Log message as critical, raise with first line.""" args = {'kind': 'critical'} if logfile: args.update({'logfile': logfile}) # Log with logme log(message, **args) # Raise with the first line of the log message = message.split('\n')[0] super(LoggingException, self).__init__(message) ############################################################################### # Private Functions # ############################################################################### def _logit(message, output, level, color=False, min_level=None): """Write message to file either with color or not. output must be filehandle or logging object. """ now = timestamp = "{0}.{1:<3}".format(now.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"), str(int(now.microsecond/1000))) flag_map = {0: 'VERBOSE', 1: 'DEBUG', 2: 'INFO', 3: 'WARNING', 4: 'ERROR', 5: 'CRITICAL'} flag = flag_map[level] flag_len = len('{0} | {1} --> '.format(timestamp, flag)) - 2 if color: flag = _color(flag) if isinstance(output, (logging.RootLogger, logging.Logger)): message = ' {} --> {}'.format(timestamp, message) if level == 0: output.debug(message) if level == 1: output.debug(message) if level == 2: if level == 3: output.warning(message) if level == 4: output.error(message) if level == 5: output.critical(message) else: # Check min_level before proceeding if level < min_level: return # Format multiline message lines = message.split('\n') if len(lines) != 1: message = lines[0] + '\n' lines = lines[1:] for line in lines: message = message + (''.ljust(flag_len, '-') + '> ' + line + '\n') output.write('{0} | {1} --> {2}\n'.format(timestamp, flag, str(message))) def _color(flag): """Return the flag with correct color codes.""" if flag == 'VERBOSE': return flag elif flag == 'DEBUG': return flag elif flag == 'INFO': return BOLD + WHITE + flag + ENDC elif flag == 'WARNING': return BOLD + YELLOW + flag + ENDC elif flag == 'ERROR': return BOLD + RED + flag + ENDC elif flag == 'CRITICAL': return BOLD + RED + flag + ENDC else: raise Exception('Invalid flag type') def _open_zipped(infile, mode='r'): """Return file handle of file regardless of zipped or not. Text mode enforced for compatibility with python2 """ mode = mode[0] + 't' p2mode = mode if hasattr(infile, 'write'): return infile if isinstance(infile, str): if infile.endswith('.gz'): return, mode) if infile.endswith('.bz2'): if hasattr(bz2, 'open'): return, mode) else: return bz2.BZ2File(infile, p2mode) return open(infile, p2mode)