Source code for fyrd.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
High level functions to make complex tasks easier.
import inspect as _inspect

#                               Import Ourself                                #

from . import logme as _logme
from . import options as _options
from .job import Job as _Job

#                       Try Import Non-Required Modules                       #

    import numpy as _np
    import pandas as _pd
except ImportError:
    _logme.log('Could not import numpy and pandas for helpers', 'debug')

__all__ = ['parapply', 'split_file']

#                                  parapply                                   #

[docs]def parapply_summary(jobs, df, func, args=(), profile=None, applymap=False, name='parapply', imports=None, **kwds): """Run parapply for a function with summary stats. Instead of returning the concatenated result, merge the result using the same function as was used during apply. This works best for summary functions like `.mean()`, which do a linear operation on a whole dataframe or series. Args: jobs (int): Number of pieces to split the dataframe into df (DataFrame): Any pandas DataFrame args (tuple): Positional arguments to pass to the function, keyword arguments can just be passed directly. profile (str): A fyrd cluster profile to use applymap (bool): Run applymap() instead of apply() merge_axis (int): Which axis to merge on, 0 or 1, default is 1 as apply transposes columns merge_apply (bool): Apply the function on the merged dataframe also name (str): A prefix name for all of the jobs imports (list): A list of imports in any format, e.g. ['import numpy', 'scipy', 'from numpy import mean'] Any keyword arguments recognized by fyrd will be used for job submission. *Additional keyword arguments will be passed to DataFrame.apply()* Returns: DataFrame: A recombined DataFrame """ out = parapply(jobs, df, func, args, profile, applymap, name=name, merge_axis=1, imports=imports, **kwds) # Pick function and get args sub_func = _run_applymap if applymap else _run_apply pandas_kwds = _options.split_keywords(kwds)[1] # Transpose out = out.T # Run the function again return sub_func(out, func, args, pandas_kwds)
[docs]def parapply(jobs, df, func, args=(), profile=None, applymap=False, merge_axis=0, merge_apply=False, name='parapply', imports=None, **kwds): """Split a dataframe, run apply in parallel, return result. This function will split a dataframe into however many pieces are requested with the jobs argument, run apply in parallel by submitting the jobs to the cluster, and then recombine the outputs. If the 'clean_files' and 'clean_outputs' arguments are not passed, we delete all intermediate files and output files by default. This function will take any keyword arguments accepted by Job, which can be found by running fyrd.options.option_help(). It also accepts any of the keywords accepted by by pandas.DataFrame.apply(), found `here <>`_ Args: jobs (int): Number of pieces to split the dataframe into df (DataFrame): Any pandas DataFrame args (tuple): Positional arguments to pass to the function, keyword arguments can just be passed directly. profile (str): A fyrd cluster profile to use applymap (bool): Run applymap() instead of apply() merge_axis (int): Which axis to merge on, 0 or 1, default is 1 as apply transposes columns merge_apply (bool): Apply the function on the merged dataframe also name (str): A prefix name for all of the jobs imports (list): A list of imports in any format, e.g. ['import numpy', 'scipy', 'from numpy import mean'] Any keyword arguments recognized by fyrd will be used for job submission. *Additional keyword arguments will be passed to DataFrame.apply()* Returns: DataFrame: A recombined DataFrame """ # Handle arguments if not isinstance(jobs, int): raise ValueError('Jobs argument must be an integer.') if not isinstance(df, (_pd.core.frame.DataFrame, _np.ndarray)): raise ValueError('df must be a dataframe or numpy array, is {}' .format(type(df))) if not callable(func): raise ValueError('function must be callable, current type is {}' .format(type(func))) if profile is not None and not isinstance(profile, str): raise ValueError('Profile must be a string, is {}' .format(type(profile))) fyrd_kwds, pandas_kwds = _options.split_keywords(kwds) # Set up auto-cleaning if 'clean_files' not in fyrd_kwds: fyrd_kwds['clean_files'] = True if 'clean_outputs' not in fyrd_kwds: fyrd_kwds['clean_outputs'] = True # Split dataframe _logme.log('Splitting dataframe', 'debug') dfs = _np.array_split(df, jobs) assert len(dfs) == jobs # Pick function sub_func = _run_applymap if applymap else _run_apply # Add all imports from the function file to globals rootmod = _inspect.getmodule(func) globals()[rootmod.__name__] = rootmod for k, v in _inspect.getmembers(rootmod, _inspect.ismodule): if not k.startswith('__'): globals()[k] = v # Some sane imports if imports: if isinstance(imports, str): imports = [imports] imports = list(iter(imports)) else: imports = [] imports += ['import numpy as np', 'import numpy', 'import scipy as sp', 'import sp', 'import pandas as pd', 'import pandas', 'from matplotlib import pyplot as plt', 'from scipy import stats'] # Run the functions _logme.log('Submitting jobs', 'debug') outs = [] count=1 for d in dfs: nm = '{}_{}_of_{}'.format(name, count, jobs) outs.append( _Job(sub_func, (d, func, args, pandas_kwds), profile=profile, name=nm, imports=imports, **fyrd_kwds).submit() ) count += 1 # Get the results _logme.log('Waiting for results', 'debug') results = [] for out in outs: try: results.append(out.get()) except IOError: _logme.log('Result getting failed, most likely one of the child ' + 'jobs crashed, check the error files', 'critical') raise # Return the recombined DataFrame _logme.log('Done, joinging', 'debug') try: out = _pd.concat(results, axis=merge_axis) except ValueError: _logme.log('DataFrame concatenation failed!', 'critical') raise if merge_apply: out = sub_func(out, func, args, pandas_kwds) return out
def _run_apply(df, func, args=None, pandas_kwds=None): """Run DataFrame.apply(). Args: df (DataFrame): Any pandas DataFrame args (tuple): A tuple of arguments to submit to the function pandas_kwds (dict): A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to DataFrame.apply() Returns: DataFrame: The result of apply() """ apply_kwds = {'args': args} if args else {} if pandas_kwds: apply_kwds.update(pandas_kwds) return df.apply(func, **apply_kwds) def _run_applymap(df, func, args=None, pandas_kwds=None): """Run DataFrame.applymap(). Args: df (DataFrame): Any pandas DataFrame args (tuple): A tuple of arguments to submit to the function pandas_kwds (dict): A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to DataFrame.apply() Returns: DataFrame: The result of apply() """ apply_kwds = {'args': args} if args else {} if pandas_kwds: apply_kwds.update(pandas_kwds) return df.applymap(func, **apply_kwds) ############################################################################### # split_file # ###############################################################################
[docs]def split_file(infile, parts, outpath='', keep_header=True): """Split a file in parts and return a list of paths. NOTE: Linux specific (uses wc). Args: outpath: The directory to save the split files. keep_header: Add the header line to the top of every file. Returns: list: Paths to split files. """ # Determine how many reads will be in each split sam file. logme.log('Getting line count', 'debug') num_lines = int(os.popen( 'wc -l ' + infile + ' | awk \'{print $1}\'').read()) num_lines = int(int(num_lines)/int(parts)) + 1 # Subset the file into X number of jobs, maintain extension cnt = 0 currjob = 1 suffix = '.split_' + str(currjob).zfill(4) + '.' + infile.split('.')[-1] file_name = os.path.basename(infile) run_file = os.path.join(outpath, file_name + suffix) outfiles = [run_file] # Actually split the file logme.log('Splitting file', 'debug') with open(infile) as fin: header = fin.readline() if keep_header else '' sfile = open(run_file, 'w') sfile.write(header) for line in fin: cnt += 1 if cnt < num_lines: sfile.write(line) elif cnt == num_lines: sfile.write(line) sfile.close() currjob += 1 suffix = '.split_' + str(currjob).zfill(4) + '.' + \ infile.split('.')[-1] run_file = os.path.join(outpath, file_name + suffix) sfile = open(run_file, 'w') outfiles.append(run_file) sfile.write(header) cnt = 0 sfile.close() return tuple(outfiles)